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What Is Product Liability?

By Eng & Woods

Corporations, manufacturers and retailers should show the utmost care when creating and selling products. However, this is often far from the case. Many times, responsible parties will put you in harm’s way by not following proper manufacturing, inspection or distribution methods.

Product liability covers a wide range of cases that involve any of the parties along the manufacturing chain of a product that causes harm or damage. Negligent parties can include:

  • The manufacturer of the component parts
  • The assembling manufacturer
  • The wholesaler
  • The retail store owner

Each product liability case can look different, which is why it’s critical to talk with an experienced product liability attorney. The team at Eng & Woods has seen a wide variety of case types, including:

  • Manufacturing defects. Our product liability lawyers analyze the manufacturing process and determine if the product has a history of causing injuries. We familiarize ourselves with the industry of the particular product in question to prepare ourselves for your eventual courtroom battle.
  • Recalls of defective products. In some cases, manufacturers issue recalls for defective products, but these recalls often do not receive appropriate publicity, meaning that many people will continue to use the product without knowing its dangers.
  • Failure to warn about product dangers. Insufficient warnings or lack of advertisement for recalls are still grounds to file a product liability lawsuit, as the product may still be responsible for your injury or the death of a loved one.

If you’ve been injured due to manufacturing defects or a failure to warn about a product’s danger, contact the team at Eng & Woods today.

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